Last summer my kids didn't get to come to Washington. This year we bravely made the journey without Nate – late bedtimes and pre-dawn wake up calls notwithstanding, it was a glorious few days. We hardly did anything besides swim and pick berries. Mom took us to the neighborhood where a bunch of her friends used to live when she was in junior high. I saw downtown Kent AND my parents' wedding album for the first time. We marveled at the cotton candy sunsets. Dad did swan dives and backflips and Dan pretended he was going to throw everyone in. Ranger learned to swim(!!) and went boating for the first time. I missed Nate constantly, but Mom and Grandma did so much of the heavy lifting that it felt like much less than five days of solo parenting. Oh, and the flowers! Hydrangeas, dahlias, queen anne's lace.
It was heaven. Have a look: